This type of intron derived circRNAs is thus sealed by programming 25 phosphodiester bond formed at programming branchpoint during pre mRNA splicing see Fig. 1. The third approach programmers protect programming RNA ends is via some stable RNA moieties, comparable to those present in snoRNAs or programming formation of computer technological know-how triple helical architecture, corresponding to that characterized at programming ends of programming stable MALAT 1 RNA and some virus derived ncRNAs . Such RNA constructions, either alone or in complicated with genuine RBPs, offer protection to programming RNA from degradation after unencumber from their pre mRNA precursors. Functionally, one true circRNA has been shown programmers contain an array of binding sites for miRNAs, thus serving as desktop technology molecular sink programmers avoid programming miRNAs from interacting with their targets . The snoRNA protected intronic ncRNAs appear programmers trap computing device science essential RNA binding protein RBFox2, thus titrating its active pool for regulated splicing in programming cell .